Fujifilm X-T5
This camera was on My Dream List before Fujifilm even mentioned there would be an X-T5. Well, it came out and now it’s no longer on the dream list. With a new 40 mp sensor, why would I not jump on it? It was my dream camera!

Fujifilm X-T5
They say you should never buy new gear just before a big photo trip (or workshop). All too often you wind up fumbling with operating the camera and missing out on too many great photo opportunities awaiting you. Well, I went against that grain with the X-T5, but I wasn’t worried about it in the least.

Leica Q2 Monochrom Reporter
The Leica Q2MR was a camera I never thought much about and certainly didn’t think I needed. Until I thought about it. Photographing with a camera that captures only black and white images is simply different. And operating a camera that feels this good is a whole experience in itself. It’s a photographer’s camera.

Fujifilm X100v
I’d been thinking about the x100V long before Dan started thinking about the Q2MR. Face it, it was on My Dream List. How he wound up getting the Leica first, I don’t know. Well, I do know, it’s because I’m generous. Anyway, I’d been wanting a nice easy-to-carry camera and the x100V fits the bill.

Fujifilm X-Pro2
The X-Pro2 has been Dan’s main camera for a couple of years now. It suits the way he works, and the optical viewfinder has a few advantages when out in the field.

Fujifilm X100
The X100 was the camera that convinced Dan that digital had come of age image-wise. It might have only a 12 megapixel sensor, but it produces incredible images!

Ann’s Fujifilm XT-3
My primary camera is a Fujifilm X-T3. It’s my third X-T model and I love it. So much in fact I found no need to upgrade to the X-T4.

Lumix LX100II
The best point-and-shoot out there! From the micro-4/3s sensor to the plethora of manual controls, to the Leica glass, there little to be critical of with this carry-around camera.