Fujifilm X100v
I was familiar with the x100 line from Dan’s original Fuji camera, particularly since it has the 23mm focal length lens on it that I love shooting with. And since Dan used his x100 as his sole camera for a year, I knew that even with the older 12 mp sensor, it was more than capable of making excellent images. So the more I thought about the x100V and the idea of traveling around with guests from the US I knew would be visiting us later in the year, I decided to go for it. It was a good decision.
Being a Fujifilm camera, it has all the manual controls I was familiar with from my X-T3. It also has the same 24 mp sensor! And though it doesn’t have as many programmable buttons as my X-T cameras . . .
. . . it does have a fold out screen, which is always helpful in key situations.
Given the configuration of the camera controls, I had no problems adapting to the new camera. Just in time for company to come, then come again, and yet again right after I’d purchased the x100V.
I guess it was a good opportunity not only to see family and friends, but an opportunity to learn my new camera, even if it wasn’t in my usual landscape context.
I think the photos show I’ll have no problems using the x100V for serious photographs. Now we just have to get out on some new adventures and put it (and the X-T5) to good use in the wilds. And when we’re walking around towns . . .
. . . the x100V will be the camera that’s in my bag.