Ann & Dan’s Excellent Adventures

Trashcan Picking Good!
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Trashcan Picking Good!

Just before Christmas I did something that caused Ann to roll her eyes and say,  “After 20 years of marriage you still surprise me and do things that leave me speechless.”  I’m not sure whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but a similar situation came up this past weekend that I wanted to make sure wasn’t a bad thing.  So I gave Ann a warning, lest she totally lose it.

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When I was a kid I used to watch Batman on tv.  The one with Adam West as Batman and God knows who as Robin.  Whenever there was an action scene (read: fight) involving the Joker, Riddler, or Penguin, the screen would flash with bold letters “SOK! BAM! KAPOW! BLAP!”  Other times, something surprising would happen and Robin would exclaim, “HOLY COW BATMAN!”  Only later did I realize that was a euphemism for an expletive.  Given that we generally try to keep this a family friendly blog, let me just say that Ann and I had a, “HOLY COW BATMAN!” moment the past week.  Join us to find out what it was. 

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Another Sunday in Porto
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Another Sunday in Porto

If you’ve been following the blog recently, you know what the main focus of the day was this past Sunday - the Henri Cartier-Bresson Tête Á Tête Retratos (Portraits) exhibit.  However, since the old customs building is down by the river, we had to get down there and back, which adds to the story.  So why not join us for our Sunday?

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Shooting the Shooter - Prison Edition
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Shooting the Shooter - Prison Edition

Ok, ok, the blog post is probably more appropriately called “Shooting the Shooter - Centro Português de Fotografia Edition,” but the “Prison Edition” sounded better.  Anyway, come join us for a look at what we were photographing when the other was photographing the photographer.

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Stop the Presses - We've Got a Home!
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Stop the Presses - We've Got a Home!

Stop the presses folks!  We interrupt the planned flow of blog posts to announce that the Terrells have found themselves a home!  Our application to rent a brand new, nearly completed townhome has been accepted.  So come on in and take a tour of our new digs that will be waiting for us once we get our D7 visas!

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What's in a glass stem?
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What's in a glass stem?

It’s pretty much been a full week since Ann and I spent a good 24 hours traveling from Eugene to San Francisco to Munich to Porto and what a whirl-wind of a trip it’s been so far.  I can’t possibly hope to capture everything so I’ll settle for telling you about the exploration we did the day after we arrived after we checked out the location of the bank (and withdrew funds from our Portuguese bank account on the Portuguese language ATM), purchased Metro tickets, and walked past the offices that will help us find a place to live so we would know where we were going when the time comes.  So join us for our first full day in Porto!

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No gift should go unreciprocated.
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No gift should go unreciprocated.

You really didn’t think we could leave Ann’s retirement with just one story did you?  Of course not.  Ann really couldn’t say goodbye without giving something back to Heidi.  And of course since Heidi was on vacation (which is why this posting was delayed), well, Ann just had to leave her presents in the office!

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Happy New Year
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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!  Ann’s officially retired!  What a way to start a new year!  Me, well, I have a few years left before I can loosen my belt, but as you know there will be some more major changes this year so Happy New Year!

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Printing the Image - November 3, 2019

Printing the Image - November 3, 2019

We finally got around to printing this weekend, our first images from the trip.  As usual, Ann wasn’t sure she had anything worth printing (as usual, she was wrong), and I wound up printing images that have already appeared on the blog post.  Fortunately, I managed to work on a new image as well and and, most importantly, the printer heads had not clogged even after such a long break.  So how did they turn out? 

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Photography From Five Feet Apart

Photography From Five Feet Apart

I’ve made snide comments on at least a couple of previous occasions about iconic locations where photographers will line up all in a row, seemingly about to take the same photograph.  For us, it was like that when we were at Oxbow Bend at Grand Tetons National Park, and was the reason we bypassed the packed parking lot at Zabreski Point in Death Valley to opt for photographing at 20 Mule Team Road, all by ourselves, earlier this year.  That said, I’m honest enough to admit the hypocrisy of this post and its main point.  Still, while each photographer in that row of photographers may be making their own image, it’s a lot better to be photographing all on our own.  Even then, we sometimes wind up photographing from five feet apart. 

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Shooting the Shooter - The Next Morning

Shooting the Shooter - The Next Morning

“What?” you’re probably asking yourself.  “The next morning?  Doesn’t Ann ever take her own photographs?”  Yes she does, but for some odd reason she occasionally likes to point her lens in my direction (I know better than to do that in her direction too often), so we have another shooting the shooter.  From the next morning.  From pretty much the exact same location (we know this because we camped about a mile away, Beast has GPS and there was the same identifiable rock on the side of the road).  So what was it like the next morning?

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Shooting the Shooter - October 4, 2019

Shooting the Shooter - October 4, 2019

You’re probably saying to yourself, “Hey, it’s not October 4th, that was almost a month ago!”  You’re right, but that was the day our shooting the shooter images for today come from.  It was a rather incredible day, beginning and ending with photography, and with a whole lot of overland driving in-between.  One of our images comes from pre-dawn and the other from after sunset.  So let’s see what kind of day it was!

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Home Again!

Home Again!

Well, we’re back home again.  I’ve got a month’s growth of beard and Ann isn’t looking forward to her last 2-1/2 months of work.  But we’re back and it’s time to get back to our regular lives, even though that means preparing for even bigger changes.  Before we get to that, we should probably finish out with snippets from the tail end of our trip!

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