Ann & Dan’s Excellent Adventures

Shooting the Shooter - White Pocket
We have a curve ball for you today. For once the shooting the shooter photograph isn’t of me, it’s of Ann! Join us to check out Ann’s image from our visit to White Pocket in 2019.

Zion Morning
This is the follow up to the Photography is Hard post and, as promised, it has a lot more images than that post had. It probably has more words than I thought it would, but that is part of the learning process for me. It was a worthwhile exercise and I hope it’s enjoyable for you as well.

Yellowstone Rocks
I think I’ve mentioned before that like a lot of photographers, it’s hard for me to pass up a good tree without pulling out the camera. I also must confess that the same is true about rocks. And to be honest, it’s probably harder to pass up a good rock than a good tree. So today’s post comes from a big rock formation we drove past just south of Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park.

Goblin Valley Sunrise
I have to apologize for today’s blog post. I have a couple of rather lengthy posts in the works, but things have not panned out as planned, so they’re not quite ready yet. Instead, you get some thoughts I had after I’d sent Len an image in one of our photo swaps. I decided to look at a series of images made of essentially the same subject over a 35-minute period in Goblin Valley State park. I made other images in-between these, but I kept turning back to this subject because of the incredible light show it was providing.

Yellowstone Panasonic
Delving into some of my other photographs from West Yellowstone I came across some images from my point-and-shoot taken from one of our initial “scouting” trips and became captivated by them. In some ways, they were much better than many of the images I took earlier that day with my “real camera.” That’s as good a reason as any to develop them a bit further.

Yellowstone Stump and Geyser
I did another one of those “pick a date and see what’s there” exercises and while I must admit I was greatly disappointed by what I found (sometimes the photographs aren’t nearly as great as the experience), I forced myself to go back and carefully look at the images. I’m glad I did.

Yellowstone Mystic Falls
I’ve returned to working on more of my images from last Fall’s trip. This time, I decided to select a folder that only had a date, unsure of what precisely lie within, to choose my images to develop and then post. I was surprised at what I found - material enough for two posts! One post I knew I would do the day I was photographing the images (the subject of the next post), but the other set (this post) came as a surprise.

North of Factory Butte - Part 2
Things don’t always pan out the way you hope. Especially when it comes to a creative endeavor. SPOILER ALERT: you’ll find no flashes of brilliance in this blog post. On the positive side, there are more photographs than the last one, and a lot fewer words! So come join us at one of the most incredible landscapes we’ve come across.

North of Factory Butte - Part 1
If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about photography lately as I work my way through last year’s fall trip images (hard to think that it’s been over a year). This is the first of two posts, if things work out, thinking about what is landscape photography and am I a “landscape photographer.”

Devil's Garden - September 19, 2019
Sometimes you have to work to find an image. Other images, well, they slap you across the face, screaming to be made. Kind of like Tommy Lee Jones (Agent K) in Men in Black, screaming to the giant cockroach “Eat me! EAT ME!!!!” Except in my case, it’s, “Shoot me, shoot me!!!” Today’s image is one of the latter.

Tree Painted Hills - 2019
Given the tension of the past few days, I decided to select a simple image that will hopefully bring some stillness to your lives, if even for only a few moments. As Charlie, Joe and probably a million other photographers have said, “What photographer can resist a good tree?” I know I can’t.

Shooting the Shooter - Goblin Valley State Park 2019-09-26
No, Ann and I haven’t managed to get out for a serious photo session in Portugal, but that doesn’t keep us from drawing on old themes for a blog post. This one comes from last Fall’s trip to Goblin Valley State Park in Utah, a place you really should visit if you’re ever out that way.

Lake Powell, beneath Smokey Mountain Overlook 2019-10-4 and 5
I guess I’m working my way backwards through last year’s fall trip. This time it’s a couple of images from pretty much the middle of nowhere. It’s the perfect example of why Ann and I love to overland and to photograph. While the iconic locations in the US are undeniably beautiful, so can be the vast expanses in-between. These images come from the latter. The advantages to these in-between areas is there are fewer people around to ruin your images!

White Pocket 2019-10-06
During my mini-vacation from work to complete unpacking, I also took a bit of time to do some things for myself. As you might have guessed, that involved looking at and working on photographs. So here’s the first of what I hope are many to come of my return to photographs posts.

Printing the Image - November 3, 2019
We finally got around to printing this weekend, our first images from the trip. As usual, Ann wasn’t sure she had anything worth printing (as usual, she was wrong), and I wound up printing images that have already appeared on the blog post. Fortunately, I managed to work on a new image as well and and, most importantly, the printer heads had not clogged even after such a long break. So how did they turn out?
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