2024 Sweden
Better late than never! Come over to the blog site to check out photographs from our May trip to the Painted Hills!
As the infamous “they” say, all good things must come to an end. Come find out how the grand Terrell Brothers Road Trip ended.
Some days the beauty of the American landscape gives you one wonder after another. Join us for another great day, full of photography and travel through the ever changing landscape that is Southwest Utah!
While I may joke that I take a shower once every six months whether I need it or not, the reality is that 5 days of my own stench is about as much as I can take. Day 6 started with a great breakfast, showers and doing laundry. It still left us with plenty of time for more wonderful photographic opportunities. Come to the blog site and check them out.
Come over to the website to check out the latest in my Monograph series. This time, it’s of the Terrell Brother’s Road Trip 2023. Don’t tell me that you’re surprised I had to make a monograph from the trip.