Our Gear > Dan’s Gear
Cameras Present
The Leica Q2MR was a camera I never thought much about and certainly didn’t think I needed. Until I thought about it. Photographing with a camera that captures only black and white images is simply different. And operating a camera that feels this good is a whole experience in itself. It’s a photographer’s camera.
The X-Pro2 has been Dan’s main camera for a couple of years now. It suits the way he works, and the optical viewfinder has a few advantages when out in the field.
The X100 was the camera that convinced Dan that digital had come of age image-wise. It might have only a 12 megapixel sensor, but it produces incredible images!
The best point-and-shoot out there! From the micro-4/3s sensor to the plethora of manual controls, to the Leica glass, there little to be critical of with this carry-around camera.
Other Photography Gear
There are a lot of nice monitors out there for viewing images destined for the web. But if you want to print, you need one you can calibrate. Our Ben Q monitors calibrate via hardware instead of software and we love them!
Polarizers, neutral density and graduated neutral density filters are part of a landscape photographer’s basic kit and are essential for the way I explore the environment. Plus, I’ve recently upgraded my kit so there’s a lot to check out.
You can’t take a two second exposure without a tripod. Check out why I have three of them . . . or are there more?
I too am still on the quest for the perfect camera bag, despite being very satisfied with the ones I have. These are the ones I kept after the great moving to Portugal clean-out.
The Lust List or “The Deep End of the Pool”
Cameras Past
This is the camera I regret letting go the most.
They say you should never buy new gear just before a big photo trip (or workshop). All too often you wind up fumbling with operating the camera and missing out on too many great photo opportunities awaiting you. Well, I went against that grain with the X-T5, but I wasn’t worried about it in the least.