Ann & Dan’s Excellent Adventures

Rock Gnome

Rock Gnome

The morning Ann and I heard the elk bugling was a surprisingly productive morning of photography.  What had started out as a scouting trip had us stopping a couple of times for some very lovely images.  At one point we spent quite a bit of time in the very freezing cold photographing in a rock outcropping.  At one point, Ann said, “That looks like your kind of branch … but how could you ever photograph it?”  Looking over to where she was pointing I agreed with her - on both points.  But after I was done photographing, and Ann still had more she wanted to do, I started looking at the tree and its location and became a man on a mission.

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Eerie Screeches

Eerie Screeches

Ann and I decided to jump camp to West Yellowstone a couple of days early due to an incoming rain storm (we were hoping to move to higher elevations and perhaps get snow - which we did, somewhat).  We jumped on Friday - driving through pounding rain on a route we hadn’t planned on taking, but had heard was beautiful (it was) and got ready for the next day.  Saturday morning, we were expecting more of the same weather (which we got somewhat), and planned on a day of scouting.  Well, we got more than we’d planned.

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Ann and I like to joke about the “Wolfies” here at Yellowstone, folks who line up along side the road with their spotting scopes all day looking for, and occasionally seeing wolves.  You can tell the hard-core folks by the whip antennas on their car - once someone finds a pack, they call in and everyone congregates in hopes of getting a glimpse.  In reality, I don’t begrudge them their pleasures, I’m sure plenty is said about photographers - especially those (and we’ve been among them) that do the same thing at a particularly photogenic points at sunrise or sunset.  We generally avoid such crowds, but sometimes you have to do it because you want to do it, despite everyone else.  Most of the time we just go our way to find more secluded locations. And we continue to learn that when we do, the nature tends to come to us.  This time, it was wolves and although we had just gotten done with our photography and were, in fact, in our vehicle, there were wolves that led us to stop.  Admittedly, it is thrilling to see them, particularly how we did . . . but I doubt we’ll be joining the wolfie pack any time soon. 

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Rude Interruptions

Rude Interruptions

Our fall adventure started out well - the Painted Hills were a great start, we nailed our campsites in Idaho and in the Gallatin National Forest, and our call to start immediately in Yellowstone National Park instead of trying to camp off the Beartooth Highway was a good one (although we did visit the area yesterday and it would have been fine).  The worst that could be said of the trip so far was that, until today we had the photographer’s nightmare - sunny with blue skies.  And today, well the weather came and . . . I was rudely interrupted during our early morning photo shoot. 

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More Trip Stuff

More Trip Stuff

Sometimes I feel like my posts don’t quite convey the excitement I feel about something, or more precisely, why I feel that way.  During final preparations for our trip this weekend, Ann was taking care of one of her main trip-planning responsibilities - getting all of our electronic maps in order.  Well, as I walked past her office I glanced over and stopped in my tracks (yes, I know, it happens to me all the time).  I decided I needed to share what she was working on just to show you why I’m so excited about one leg of the trip.

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The 2019 Grand Fall Adventure

The 2019 Grand Fall Adventure

It’s been a long time coming, and it’s going to be a bitter sweet trip, but our 2019 Grand Fall Adventure starts in a few days and it’s about time we share where we’re going.  It’s a mix of the old favorites and the new; some make-up from missed opportunities and we’re sure some surprises along the way.  Faced with one final big trip before our focus turns entirely to next-year’s big move, Ann and I had choices to make.  So join us on a run-through on what we’re hoping will be a glorious one-month adventure! 

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Iconic Places - Iconic Shots
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Iconic Places - Iconic Shots

This past weekend Len sent Ann and me a short e-mail.  It contained a link to a video by Andy Mumford, a British landscape photographer living in Lisbon (Portugal!!!!) and it was about photographing in iconic locations.  (Thanks Len).  Ann and I watched it that night - it contained insights, some we were very familiar with, others that led us to thinking differently about our upcoming trip.  One of the subjects he discussed was going to iconic places with expectations and preconceived notions about particular images you’d like to make.  That got me thinking about one iconic location where Ann and I went to and, in the end, wound up coming back with the iconic shot.  Without us even knowing it!

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Printing the Image - August 2019 Edition
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Printing the Image - August 2019 Edition

Last Sunday Ann and I decided to revisit some more images from our previous travels in anticipation of our upcoming trip.  I decided to develop from scratch and then print a couple of images from Devil’s Garden, one of my favorite places and one we’ll be returning to on this trip as well.  Ann was more broad in her thinking and decided to include an image from our Redwoods trip - definitely not a stop we’ve planned for our next adventure.

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Shooting the Shooter - Snow Canyon 2018
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Shooting the Shooter - Snow Canyon 2018

Ann and I are still refining ideas for our fall trip (Hayden Valley in Yellowstone??) and, of course, some of that involves revisiting our images from previous trips (well, more for Ann than me given the number of things on my plate and her being productive while I’m working . . . ).  In her reviews (which have also produced a number of re-found images!) she came across a shooting the shooter image from our last trip to Snow Canyon.  And that, they say, has the makings of a blog post.

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Places we're not moving to  . . .  just because.
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Places we're not moving to . . . just because.

What’s in a name?  It’s often a curious question and sometimes you’re surprised when you find out.  Then again, some names you really don’t want to know the background of and, because of some residual juvenile hang-up (some may say juvenile inner personality), you really have no desire to visit.  Take for instance, every time I’ve seen a “Mosquito Lake” on a map, I’ve had no desire to explore there.  Well, Ann and I have been spending a lot of time on YouTube and Google Earth (as well as paper maps) exploring potential places we’d like to live (well, more scout out in January to see if we would like to live there).  And it was during one of those sessions that I was reminded of just how juvenile I can be.

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Visual Exercises
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Visual Exercises

I know it’s a bit pathetic to kind of re-do images, but this isn’t quite that.  When I was teaching photography, one of the exercises I would give my students, usually before they really had a chance to make photographs of their own, was to pick out a photograph (or two, or three) and try to see how many different images within that one image they could find.  That exercise helps to think about things like framing, composition, what to include in and outside of images.  It doesn’t work for all photographs, but when it works well, it’s a fantastic exercise.  Well, Ann and I had our own little visual exercise this week.

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Pleasant Reminders
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Pleasant Reminders

A few days ago we were driving down our hill on our way up to Portland to take care of some business and, as we passed a corner, Ann chuckled.  I asked Ann, “What’s so funny?”  She replied, “Oh just remembering . . . that time when . . . .”   I finished her sentence, “The 3-legged dog?”  And we both burst out laughing.  “Hans and the three-legged dog” is one of my favorite stories.  I love telling it and given that Ann and I spent the next 5 or so minutes talking about Hans and feeling so good remembering him it warrants an on-line recounting.  He deserves no less.

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