Ann & Dan’s Excellent Adventures

Noticing Light
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Noticing Light

One of the things I enjoy about photographing in general, thinking about photography, and looking at and reading about other photographers’ images is that it enriches my daily life in many different ways.  Yesterday morning was a perfect example.

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January Adventure - 2018 Part 2
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January Adventure - 2018 Part 2

Consistent with an adventure that had not quite gone according to plan (“Plan, what plan?  We ain’t got no stinking plan!”), we wound up getting up late the following morning.  Whether it was because we forgot to set our alarms, or we didn’t realize how well the fragrance of juniper would help us sleep, or we mistakenly thought the thunk of snow clumps falling from the trees would wake us up early (“Snow?  What snow?”), we inadvertently slept in.  That is, of course, if you consider 5:30 to be sleeping in as we do when we’re out photographing.

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January Adventure - 2018 Part 1
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January Adventure - 2018 Part 1

A couple of weekends ago Ann and I had our first adventure of 2018.  The trip was as odd as the week leading up to it.

Ann and I were itching to get out and do some photography, and not just a short day trip.  The question was where?  In the winter time, that question is often answered by the weather, and in this instance, the weather forecast kept changing on us during the week leading up to the trip.  At one point the entire state was forecast with rain, snow, rain and snow, or rain/sleet/snow.  It wasn’t looking good.  We finally decided that regardless of the weather, we were going out and would have to make a call on the day we leave.

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Shooting the Shooter - Painted Hills (Winter Edition)
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Shooting the Shooter - Painted Hills (Winter Edition)

Last weekend Ann and I had quite the worthwhile adventure.  It was so good, in fact, that it’s going to take a bit to write up because it’s chock full of interesting stories and images.  So to bide some time, I decided to do a shooting the shooter posting from our trip.  And for once, I thought to pull out my iPhone to photograph Ann making images!

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Brice Creek
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Brice Creek

I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this before on the blog, but I’ve often said that any day out photographing is a great day, even if you don’t come home with any photographs.  By that standard, our trip this past Sunday to Brice Creek was a great day. 

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Shooting the Shooter - Christmas Edition
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Shooting the Shooter - Christmas Edition

This edition of shooting the shooter is going to be a bit different because there are multiple pairs (in one case, more than a pair) of images.  Unfortunately, they’re all of me doing the shooting (I do have to get better at taking photos of Ann making photographs - but in my defense, one points a camera at Ann at the risk of one’s well-being, so . . . I guess that’s no excuse, my life insurance covers murder by wife, … I think.). 

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Christmas in Bandon
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Christmas in Bandon

What better way to start out the new year than by closing out the last?

Ann and I decided we wanted to spend this Christmas by ourselves doing what we so love doing, photographing.  After following the seemingly constantly changing weather forecast for several weeks, it looked like the best destination would be the coast, so we decided to head down to Bandon.  Bullards Beach state park’s campground was open and we doubted that it would be full.  We were right. 

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Yellowstone National Park - Part 3

Yellowstone National Park - Part 3

The next morning the skies looked dark and gloomy.  Thanks to the Slough Creek Campground vortex, we verified that, if anything, the weather forecast had worsened, particularly the second storm.  So we headed out.

By the time we hit Tower Junction, it was drizzling, and the Beartooth Highway sign said “Closed.”  A half hour later as we gained elevation, it was a mix of sleet and snow.  And it stayed that way.

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Yellowstone National Park - Part 1

Yellowstone National Park - Part 1

The trip started off with us heading north instead of east.  The aisles and seats of Beast were loaded up with boxes of stuff I’d used in my apartment in Liberia, to be donated to Phil’s daughter Emily (and her parter John), who moved to Portland so Emily could study at the University of Oregon’s graduate program in architecture.  After quite the workout of hauling boxes upstairs and a nice lunch, Ann and I were on our way up the Columbia River Gorge.

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Shooting the Shooter - Yellowstone National Park - Moon Rock

Shooting the Shooter - Yellowstone National Park - Moon Rock

Well into our second week into the Lamar Valley portion of our stay (yes, we bugged out a few days early), we went to photograph at a site on the way to Mammoth Hot Springs we scouted out previously that I thought would make for a great morning of photographing.  Things hadn’t quite turned out as well as I’d hoped, but on the way back to the Lamar Valley, we noticed that the road into the Blacktail Deer Plateau was open (it had been closed the few times we’d passed by it earlier in the trip), so we hung a right and went off-road.  

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Our Autumn Trip 2017 - Lamar Valley (Yellowstone NP)

Our Autumn Trip 2017 - Lamar Valley (Yellowstone NP)

Well, Ann and I are busy making plans for our Autumn 2017 adventure.  Our destination - the Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park.  

In case you’ve forgotten, Yellowstone and Grand Tetons National Parks were the destination of our first long-term (3-week) vacation and is the one that set the hook for us to try and get out for extended periods to photograph.  And, if you recall (check out the blog posts from September and October 2014 if you don’t or if you want a refresher), a winter storm chased us out of the Lamar Valley three days earlier than we’d hoped.  It was a smart move on our part, allowing us to avoid 18” of snow and several very, very cold nights in our tent (not that the Tetons were much warmer, but . . . ).  Still, leaving the Lamar Valley early was one of our biggest disappointments on that trip.

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People Photographs
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People Photographs

It’s pretty obvious that I don’t make a lot of photographs of people.  Not that I have anything against it, but I don’t have much of an opportunity to photograph people, nor much of an inclination to try.  That would probably change if I was immersing myself in a culture where they didn’t immediately distrust someone with a camera like Liberians generally did, but that’s not likely to happen.  So I stick to the landscapes I so enjoy.

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Sometimes an Image Just Doesn't Work Out
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Sometimes an Image Just Doesn't Work Out

There are times when one (read, “I”) goes out photographing, arrives at a location, and an image just screams out to be made.  The location, weather, play of light and time of day of those moments come together and it seems like all one has to do is point the camera, make sure the image is properly focused, that the exposure is correct, and that your batteries are charged.  Once you press the shutter, you know you have an incredible image.  

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Eclipse Adventure - Part 2
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Eclipse Adventure - Part 2

For whatever reason, neither Ann nor I slept particularly well that night.  Still, we managed to get up when the alarm went off at 4 am.  Face it, it wasn’t anything a pot of fresh coffee wouldn’t fix.  So we made breakfast, packed up and drove the mile or so down the road to park at the closed logging road for the walk into our meadow destination.

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