Shooting the Shooter - Guest Edition

As I mentioned in the post about the workshop, we had a really great group of people and it didn’t take us long for jokes to start flying.  Perhaps the most entertaining character was Howard.  Howard’s usual passion is photographing musical bands.  He also does some very creative art photographs (which led him to arrive late on our first night at dinner - he showed up in a tux because he had to catch a late train from London where he won a photography award (something folks would rib him about throughout the workshop)).  If there was bust-a-gut laughing involved coming from the group, it usually involved Howard.  Oh, and he liked to sing as well, him and Nick.  Of course folks ribbed them about that as well (really, they weren’t half bad - lots of Beatles, so I didn’t complain).  As Howard explained it, he periodically takes landscape workshops for a change of pace photographically, to get him away from his normal routine, and to hang out with folks (several of the group had been with him on other workshops).  In short, a great guy!

I’d mentioned that on our last day photographing, while we were waiting for folks to get back to the vehicles, I ambled over to a giant water pump to make several photographs with the baby Leica.  You know, just fun playing with the camera.

As I was playing, I mean working, I hear Howard return laughing and joking with folks and then he says, “Really cool water pump over there!”  I stick my head up and see he’s walking towards me, camera in hand, and he says, “OH, stay there, this will be great!” (In a British accent of course!)

I, naturally, played along as he made several photographs of me, the one above being his favorite (he liked me with my glasses on).  Quite the nose ring, eh?

When he was done, I went back to making my photographs, which led to this image.

Now, I wasn’t the only one that Howard had fun photographing.  He made the image below of his companion in crime and part time singing partner Nick.  Which of course he shared with the group as well.

You could always count on the two of them to liven up the drive to the next destination.

As I said, a really good group of people.

A good time was had by all.


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