Ann & Dan’s Excellent Adventures

Printing the Image - Guilt Trip Edition
What happens when you get bored and decide to watch a short YouTube video about how to keep your printer in good shape? You feel guilty as hell and decide you have to print some images just to make sure your printer stays healthy. Come join us on how I assuaged my guilt and gave the printer a good workout.

Head over to the website to check out a few more photographs of junkers. You’ll get to decide which of a pairing of images you prefer.

A Change of Pace
Come check out the images from Ivanssons Bilskrot Bilkyrkogård. That’s Ivansson’s Junkyard Car Cemetery for those of us who don’t speak Swedish.

Tivedens National Park - Part 2
Come join us at the blog site for the second set of photographs from our too-short stay at Tivedens National Park.

Tivedens National Park - Part 1
Sometimes places can really surprise you. When you research them, yes, they seem interesting (otherwise you wouldn’t even bother keeping them on the itinerary), but that doesn’t mean that once you get there you won’t be stunned by what awaits you. Tividens National Park was one of those places. Plus it led to perhaps the best photography of the trip. Join us for the first of two blog posts sharing images from Tividens NP.

Shooting the Shooter - Scum Photographer
Yeah, you read that right - scum photographer. We’re not speaking about the quality of my images (I hope), or about me personally (I hope), but about photographic subject matter. Come over to the blog site to check out why Ann calls me the Scum Photographer.

Sometimes it takes a long vacation to rekindle a love affair. I’m not talking about Ann - that’s never gone away. Never will. I’m talking about photographing water. Come check out what Sweden had to offer for perhaps my favorite subject to explore.

Sweden 2024
Well, it finally happened - our first big road trip in Europe. Head on over to the blog site to get the grand tour of our 3-week trip to Sweden.
Enter text to search only content in the blog posts. Try entering “Yellowstone”.