Captain Jackson Update

The past couple of days Ann has been tracking where our household goods are.  Come on over to check out where the Captain Jackson is!

While we were hanging out on Sunday, Ann decided to see where the Captain Jackson was.  When she last checked, the ship was outside, but did not dock at its Mexico destination (probably nothing to load/unload), and had started on its way down the Mexican coast.  Sunday she was off the coast of El Salvador and Nicaragua.


A few days later she was rounding the bend in Panama to get in line for the Panama Canal.


By Thursday, the Captain Jackson was in a giant blob of ships that, once you zoom in, clearly shows ships waiting their turn to go through the Panama Canal.  I’m pretty sure Ann’s going to keep track of the Captain Jackson’s trek through the canal.


Who knows how long that will take, and weather (misspelling intended) she will see clear sailing to Portugal after she exits the canal.  Let’s just say lately there have been too many stories about a really bad Atlantic hurricane season for my taste. 

UPDATE: Ann decided we needed an even better view of the Panama Canal queue!


At 0 knots, you know she’s waiting in line. Practicing good social distancing as well!


Spoke Too Soon!

