Shooting the Shooter - Ann at Brice Creek
During our stop at Beer Can on Brice Creek, after I’d completed making a photograph, I turned to look upstream and saw Ann making what was sure to be a lovely image. I swung my camera around, and made one image before Ann turned around and started asking me questions. I knew better than to try and take an image of her facing me. But one press of the shutter was all that was needed to have a shooting the shooter post!
At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of options for photographs at this location. But if you factor in the subtle elevation differences around the rock ledge Ann is standing on, lens selection, frame format, light and weather conditions, and the range of subjects both above and below water, there is a near infinite range of images one can take of this view looking upstream. Which is why, in part, Ann and I return here again and again.
Ann decided to use a vertical format, placing her camera significantly higher than mine, and then including much more foreground than my image so that you see the bottom of the creek through the beautifully clear water.
It’s a gem of an image!