Ann won’t toot her own horn, but nothing’s stopping me from doing it (not even Ann’s evil-eye). So put your fingers in your ear because the blast is coming!
A few months ago I mentioned that Ann has started posting images on Instagram. The best part of it all is that she started doing it on her own, and for her own reasons. From the outside looking in, I see that it has helped her think about her images in ways she wasn’t before, nudged her to consider working with and distributing images that she’d previously set aside (and rightly revisited), and allowed her to broaden the range of images by other photographers that she studies. She’s certainly shown me work by others that left me in awe.
Back in December, I’d mentioned how she’d received a number of “likes” from QT Luong. For those of you who don’t know who he is, his website is called Terra Galleria and his images are superb! He was the first photographer to photograph every national park (mostly in large-format, more recently in digital), and he was one of only a few “live” people (and the only photographer) highlighted in Ken Burn’s “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea” series. You should check out his Terra Galleria images, you will love them! Or his book Treasured Lands (ditto). While Ann has received lots of positive comments and inquiries about her images on Instagram, the QT Luong likes have been the highlight. At least until now!
Lately, Ann has been posting a series of images focusing on the sky, and more specifically, the skies of Yellowstone. Then on Tuesday Ann got a request. A request from the Park County Travel Council. They asked if they could use one of Ann’s images on their Cody Yellowstone website. Ann said yes.
Now while hers is not one of the main images on the website's banner, you can see that Cody Yellowstone is a real website.
And you do have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to get to the Instagram images.
But hers is there, top row, second from the right.
Even better is, when you scroll over the image, you see her name (well, her Instagram name).
And best of all, click on her image and you get:
A beautiful sky from the Lamar Valley, with a little story about the image. From Ann Terrell; @annterrell1.
I can’t tell you how impressed (and proud) I am with Ann’s progress with her photography. In only a few, seemingly too short, years she’s made incredible headway to produce images that are simply amazing. And now there’s proof that I’m not the only one who thinks so! I may be biased, but Cody Yellowstone isn’t - and they agree with me!