Shooting the Shooter Part 9 - Face Falls, Brice Creek

After our first stop, we hopped back in our car and drove up Brice Creek a ways to the next trailhead with the goal of seeing and hopefully photographing Upper Trestle Creek Falls. The climb up to the Upper Falls was quite the hike toting our camera gear (800+ foot elevation gain in a bit over 1.5 miles), but we made it.  We decided to take a different trail back down (Ann hates doing out and back unless it’s absolutely necessary and we had the opportunity to swing by another set of falls with the other trail) and hit Brice Creek about half a mile downriver from the trailhead.  

After a few hundred yards heading back, we hit Face Falls on Brice Creek.  Fortunately for us, the sky was clouding over a bit and we had opportunities to shoot without a blazing sun creating really harsh shadows.


There wasn’t a lot of room to maneuver on this rock outcropping, and only a couple of different views one could take of the falls, but I think Ann made it work with a lovely image that shows not just Face Falls, but also, at the top of the image, Trestle Creek as it enters Brice Creek.



Shooting the Shooter Part 10 - Upper Parker Falls


Shooting the Shooter Part 8 - Brice Creek Yet Again