In the Words of Monty Python . . .
"I'm not dead yet!" (What, you expected me to use the, "Spank me! - No! Spank me!" line - you're sick!) And if you don't get any of this rent the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and pay close attention to the scene where the guy is pushing a cart of dead people through a village (or Sir Galahad has a vision of the Holy Grail during the middle of a raging storm if you prefer the other quote). If you don't know this movie, you can't possibly understand today's youth, to which I consider myself a member of. One of my fondest memories is waking up early one morning at a camp site near Mt. St. Helens to the sound of two bowls clapping together and thinking, "That sounds just like Monty Python and the Holy Grail!" and speaking out, "Devon, what are you doing?" "I'm riding my horse!" And thining, "I've got such cool kids." Now, none of this makes any sense at all unless you've seen the movie, so go watch the movie. It'll be the best thing you do all weekend, and this is a long holiday weekend.So I am not dead yet! Though I had a few pretty rough days there where I could barely do anything other than sleep (20 hours my first day off), or work and sleep every other available minute. To be a little too literal, my body is at war with the insurgents and I can finally say I am going to win this war. Be that as it may, I'm still running on 3 cylinders. And I'm not talking a Prius engine here, I'm talking about that 12-cylinder Aston Martin that James Bond drove in the Casino Royale remake, just before he flipped it. Well actually, lately I've felt a lot like the Aston Martin after he flipped it - wheels still spinning, but in a world of hurting. Or did I feel more like the Aston Martin at the beginning of Quantum of Solace - but then again, I didn't get anything ripped off, so the Casino Royale analogy is probably closer. After you've watched Monty Python, you can watch those two Bond movies too - it's a long weekend. What a waste of two Aston Martins. But I digress.
As you can tell, what I try to pass off as a sense of humor is back. Don't worry, you didn't miss much. I still owe y'all on photos and stuff, and I promise they're coming. We're having a few problems at blog central that Ann is doing her best to fix. None of it is her fault - it may be on my end (error between brain and keyboard often shows up on my computer screen) or the hardware hosting the blog. Rest assured, Ann will take care of me. She always does. Lucky me. We're also in a transition period the next few days around here so things are kind of upside down - we're not expecting to get too terribly much done in terms of getting out and about, so we're gearing up for when all the important people are no longer around. But rest assured, I have two whole days off this weekend (we're celebrating the Labor Day holiday on Saturday - hey, not only is this Iraq, it's a PRT, so Saturday is our Labor Day celebration). I'll do my best to give you interesting things to look at.