Ann & Dan’s Excellent Adventures
Hey Simon Booth, you don't need to start worrying about the competition.
All artists borrow from other artists. Heck, Picasso said good artists copy, great artists steal. But sometimes, it’s only while you’re stealing, I mean borrowing, I mean learning from others do you realize just how hard it is to do what they do. Hop on over to the website to check out some fall colors and to find out what I’m talking about.
Excuses, excuses - Joani Edition
It’s time for more excuses. How about one that “makes” me have to dig back into my old archives to find particular types of images, despite the fact that I long ago gave up on trying to do that sort of thing? Anything for my grand-nephew.
In praise for the 3-Star image!
Sometimes things just come together. Call it coincidence, call it fate, call it synchronicity (no not the Police album, rather the occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection), but it happened this week and continues a discussion from last week’s blog post. Come over to the site if you’re wondering what the heck I’m talking about.
The things I put up with!
I love Ann. I really do. But sometimes, especially when I’m talking to her about including some of her images in a blog post, . . . all one can do is let out a big, long sigh. Of course that’s usually followed by a, “WHAT?!?” Come over to the blog post to check out what I’m talking about.
Thinking Photography - Emotion
Head on over to the website to check out my latest thoughts concerning photography. This time it’s about Photography (capital “P”). Don’t worry, the blog post is illustrated.
Excuses, excuses - Tina Edition
I’m fundamentally a lazy person. At least it seems that way sometimes. Ok, most of the time. Come over to the website to find out how I sometimes manage to find a way to do things I love.
Thinking Photography - Seal Rock
I get to mooch off Ann’s images again! Come over to the blog site to find out how Ann’s helping me out as I continue to think my way through what makes a good landscape photograph. Or perhaps, just a good photograph.
Thinking Photography - 20 Mule Team Canyon
What happens when Ann starts going through her Capture One catalogs to revisit images? My work-breaks become a lot more interesting and my brain starts churning over things much more interesting than work! Come on over to the blog site to check out my latest thoughts.
Terrell Brothers Roadtrip 2023 - Monograph
Come over to the website to check out the latest in my Monograph series. This time, it’s of the Terrell Brother’s Road Trip 2023. Don’t tell me that you’re surprised I had to make a monograph from the trip.
The joys of traveling.
Well, we’re back from Kit and An’s wedding. Find out how it went!
Going Dutch
Could you imagine functioning without a vehicle for 2 - 4 weeks while waiting for your driver’s license? We can and are. It’s pretty easy once you’ve decided to go Dutch!
Waiting for the image.
Timing can be everything in photography. Head over to the website to see what rewards, or surprises, can await you when you wait for just the right conditions.
Good Photo - Great Photo
Come over to the blog to find out my refinement of a famous Ansel Adams quote.
Printing the Image - The If At First You Don't Succeed . . . Edition
It was about time for us to do another print session given we hadn’t done one since before our trip home. Little did we realize a couple of weekends ago when we sat down to do a session, that it would take multiple sessions before we had our results. Join us to find out about our trials and tribulations with printing!
Our Not-Forgotten Painted Hills Trip
Better late than never! Come over to the blog site to check out photographs from our May trip to the Painted Hills!
Enter text to search only content in the blog posts. Try entering “Yellowstone”.