Shooting the Shooter - Bandon, June 2018
Ann’s been spending a lot of her time finally culling through the plethora of images she has in her Capture One catalogs as a result of the switching from LightRoom to Capture One (yeah, that shift from a couple of years ago). Mine are equally bloated (I spent my grueling period exporting as .jpgs all of the images I’d worked on in LightRoom), but since I’m not retired, I’d rather be billing clients for my work instead of spending hours culling old work. Anyway, early on she used to take 10 or 15 images of almost every shot. She trying to pare that down to one or two, or five, but definitely not 10 of each image.
One of the end-of-day questions I’ve frequently had for Ann over the past several months has been, “So where are you at now?” Naturally, the answer has varied. “May, 2017.” “Just started 2014.” “Almost finished with 2016.” In case you were wondering, no, she didn’t do them in chronological order. I think she needed a break from her early images (she has improved a lot since she started, which means looking at the early work can be . . . grueling) so she’s been hopping back and forth between the years.
So I got a text from Ann this afternoon (yes, she texts me from upstairs when she doesn’t just call me) that said, “Can you check the Dropbox share “Blog Photos”? There is a Shooting the Shooter in there.” This is what I found, dated June 17, 2018.
So I texted, “What time in the am?” “4:30 am.”
Well, I think Ann’s clock wasn’t adjusted for daylight savings time (or was it mine that wasn’t adjusted?) because I had nothing at 4:30. But at 5:30, I had the following image.
Just another example of how incredible the pre-dawn light can be in Bandon, Oregon. If you ever have the chance to spend a night there, make sure you get up and out to the beach before sunrise in the morning.
You won’t regret it.