Goodbye April

Yesterday was April 30th, the last day of the month, and I had a few pages left of in the Charlie Waite book to finish up my month with him.  (Don’t worry Charlie, I’m sure I’ll be back).  It’s as if he knew the month had ended and I wasn’t going to get to my other book of his work, so he left me with words that seemed so appropriate for the weekend Ann and I just had.

“Dawn is always tantalizing: the nature of light that one has wished for may never materialize yet another unlooked for image may emerge in front of one’s eyes.  That is one of the most wonderful things about landscape photography that is rarely discussed: the element of surprise can be as joyful as it can be in photojournalism.”

Thanks Charlie.


April 2018 Adventure - The Oregon Coast


Selfie - Getting Out of Trouble Edition