Four Trees

Last weekend Ann and I headed out on Thursday afternoon to maximize the long weekend, and to just get away from things.  Destination - Redwoods State and National Parks.  We didn’t get back until fairly late on Monday, which means we had a great time photographing.  We’re exhausted!

Ann said she wanted to go somewhere that would give us some variety.  We decided to head south not so much for the variety, but to get away as much as we could from a weekend storm.  We only partially succeeded, and are we happy in our failure!  It’s an old photographer’s adage, but so true - bad weather makes for great photographs.  And we lucked out - we got a lot more variety of subject matter than we had imagined.  A double win!

We have a lot of images to process, and it will likely take a while before I get the story of our trip out, but there are several short posts I can do to keep things going in the meantime.

I usually don’t title photographs, but if I did, this one would be aptly named Four Trees.  The visual complexity you find in the Redwood groves are amazing.  From solitary trees that have withstood the forces of time, to clusters of these giants that make your mind boggle.  This is one of the latter.  And yes, there are 4 grown trees visible in this image!  Stand in the center and you could touch all four.  Plus you get an idea of what I meant by “weather.”


Seeing the Image


Revisiting the Portland Japanese Gardens