Body Piercings - Sportsmobile Update

No, I haven’t gone crazy and gotten my nose (or any other body part) pierced - face it, the time to do that would have been 20 years ago when I first moved to hippie town USA.  We’re talking here about our favorite topic of conversation lately, our Sportsmobile.

Jonathan sent some updated photos today and, well, like I not-so-jokingly said last post, the first thing they do is cut holes in it.  

You can see from here they’ve cut out the roof, two windows on the driver’s side and one on the passenger’s side.  And in case you were wondering how we know this one is ours, well the white writing on the windshield says “Terrell”.  That would be us!

Looking on the inside, you can see another aspect of what I was talking about in the last post - behind the driver’s cabin there’s nothing.

It’s strange to think that this skeleton is going to get dressed up over the coming weeks.  And looking at those cross supports that have been cut through, it’s amazing to think that once the penthouse is installed, the roof will be strong enough to hold 10,000 pounds.

I really like this last image.  Jonathan asked if we wanted storage in the doors and we said yeah!  You can see from these photographs that there’s a lot of space both low and high in the door to take advantage of.  I have a feeling that we’re going to need every nook and cranny we can get for our longer trips.

Talking about trips, I spoke with Jonathan a week or so ago when they were laying out the templates for cutting (and found a potential conflict - which was easily resolved) and we’ll be heading down towards Fresno in mid-April, then to Vegas for the vehicle hand-off (at a savings of thousands and thousands of dollars).  Not long afterwards in May we’re going to go on a 3+ week adventure - so the stories should be flowing this summer.

For now, we sit in anxious anticipation!  Next stop - wiring!  And, there will be a lot of it for power-hungry techies like us.


Occam's Razor


Houston - the Eagle has landed!