Dan's Cameras

I figured folks might want a change of pace from the Shooting the Shooter series and this morning I came across a blog post that triggered an idea that folks may, or may not, find interesting.  I thought I’d trace the broad arc of my photography experiences through the cameras I’ve used, primarily the ones I’ve owned, in part to tell a story and in part to simply record my past.As I’ve thought about it over the past several hours (what else does one think about while on the dentist’s chair getting your teeth cleaned) my thinking has grown from a single post with a bunch of images, to a really long blog post, to several shorter posts that allow me to elaborate a bit more about using the camera and/or tell a good story or two.  Unfortunately, other than those of the cameras, there probably won’t be a lot of accompanying images.  That’s due to the fact that most of my camera history was spent with film cameras and, well, I haven’t gotten around to scanning much of that material yet.  So you’ll be pretty much stuck with images of the tools of the trade and my blabbering. 

Now I realize that what I’m proposing is to interject a series of blog posts in the midst of another series of blog posts.  Sorry about that, but you and I are just going to have to keep things straight as I jump back and forth between series, not to mention the fact that I may wind up throwing an altogether different post now and then as events arise.  Just think of it as motivation for me to post more often and for you to know I haven’t dropped off the face of the earth.

I guess I should give you an idea of where I’m going with this.  I had a professor in architecture school (J. Thomas Regan) that was also my thesis advisor and mentor.  He made several statements that have stuck with me over the years.  One was, “The most important thing you can learn as an undergraduate is to learn how to learn.”  How right he was.  More relevant here though was his comment about lecturing, “Giving a lecture is easy - tell people what you’re going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you just told them.”   

So, to set the stage for this series, I’m going to cover from this:

DCF 1.0

To this:

Fujifilm x-100

And of course, everything in-between.


Dan's Cameras Part Two - Germany


Shooting the Shooter Part Three - North and Middle Sister