A Change of Seasons
It’s been a while since I’ve written, but I’ve been trying to spend as much quality time with Ann as I can. And we have. Our photo trips have been great, with a bit of a break for a great visit with my dad. I’ll eventually get down to documenting those adventures, but I’m too focused on living them for now.
When I returned home, Fall was in full bloom. (Yes, that was intentional). Everything was beautiful and very un-Liberian. I was exhausted and the change was welcome. But that was a couple of months ago now.
While it’s been nice to spend so much time with Ann and family, I am conscious of the passage of time, well rested and full of desire to begin my next adventure. This sense of time passing was compounded this weekend by the clear passage from Fall to Winter (despite it being officially a couple more weeks away).
A new position will arrive soon enough, and will likely require a quick escape, so I’ll enjoy each and every moment with Ann until then. And hopefully many with cameras in tow.