Dinner at Golden Beach

It was our Contracts Officer’s birthday yesterday and a group of us joined Roz at Golden Beach Hotel/Restaurant for dinner.  Golden Beach is an odd place in that it’s literally in downtown Monrovia and you can barely see the sign next to the narrow alley, just past the UNMIL Headquarters, that leads you to the hotel and restaurant.  Once you leave the parking lot and walk through the restaurant to the outdoor seating area, you’re pretty much in a new world.

Golden Beach - Beach Tables There’s nothing really fancy about it - plastic hairs and tables, the sound of the shore and a nice breeze - but the food is pretty good and if you bring good company, you’re bound to have a nice time.

Golden Beach - Tables

All in all, we had a group of about 14 of us ranging from old hands (there longer than a year), new folks (some arrived as recently as a week ago) and a TDY (temporary tour of duty) State Department person from China.

Golden Beach - Long Table

The beer was cold, the grilled shrimp delicious and the company was grand!

Golden Beach - Rocks

And the view wasn’t too bad either.

Golden Beach - South Beach View


Korenza and Carlos (and Solies)


. . . the Ball Won . . . a Stalemate