Gravity Works

Well, I was right but I was wrong.  In the post about the FSN sports day, I said that after a few days or so the blood from the injury would settle down into my ankle and make it look like I sprained my ankle.  It has, but it only took another day.  Here’s a shot of my leg from Sunday evening a week ago (because Ann asked).

Gravity Works

If you compare it to the second shot from the previous post, you’ll see the ankle shows no bruising in the first photo.  It’s kind of odd really - only half my ankle is puffy, the outside looks normal.  

If this hadn’t have happened to me before, I’d probably would have been very worried.  It really looks much worse than it is!

I’ve visited the doc at the embassy.  She confirmed that my achilles tendon was not torn (I knew that - but confirming that was painful) and that I should not exercise vigorously for a month.  After I told her what I’ve been doing for it she said, “So why are you here?  Not much more I can tell you, you’re doing everything you’re supposed to be doing - I guess you’ve done this before?”  Still - I needed to know how long before I could start playing volleyball!  And to reassure Ann that I'm taking care of myself.  I am, so no worries!


Hard Months


Liberian Wedding