Grumpy Kit
Laughter. Laughter is one of the greatest sounds and sights in the world. Especially when it’s from someone you love. A laughing child is simply one of the greatest wonders of this world. For me, one of the greatest joys I have is to hear Ann laughing with abandon (I was going to say . . . well, I’ll just say it - Laughing her ass off!).
Ann has a wonderful laugh. And when she loses it, it’s even better. Ask her and she’ll tell you of any number of really silly things I’ll do just to get her laughing (tops on the list is a variety of Bird of Paradice dances I’ve done - there’s a National Geographic special on them, just imagine me trying to imitate them and you’ll see what I’m hinting at).
As I’ve mentioned before, Ann has a great relationship with the guys - both as a group and as individuals. They have their own inside jokes, they take pleasure in ribbing me and each of them doesn’t like to stop once they get going. Which is all fine and well! Even though I'm often the butt of the jokes.
Throughout this trip I would periodically hear Ann suddenly burst out in laughter - huge hysterics that made me wonder what in the world was going on. Very quickly I came to learn (and ultimately assume) that Kit was doing his Grumpy Kit face. Usually at some opportune moment when it would make Ann lose it.
Fortunately, we managed to capture Grumpy Kit.
And even better, here is how Grumpy Kit appears out of nowhere - we’ve got it on video! (Just a bit about the video so it makes sense - I’m handing the camera over to Ann to get a photograph of Kit and me. Somehow, the video record button gets pressed, so the camera goes up and down, recording all the while, as Ann sits back down and gets ready to take our pictures. Because the video is recording, the camera still takes a picture from the video (the two shown here) but doesn’t freeze and show her what she just took. She wonders why it’s not taking a picture, so I lean over to figure out what’s up. I don’t know if the audio will post so . . . here goes.). Click the black screen below to start the video - it may take a while to load.
Now only if Ann had not been so focused on why the camera was not working to fully react to Kit’s face instead of just chuckling.