Earth to Dan . . .

My apologies to everyone for the prolonged absence.  As you can suspect (and I hinted earlier), I went home on vacation.  What I didn't expect was that it would take me a couple of weeks to start posting again.  Well, I'm back and busy as ever here in Liberia and I have a lot of posting catch-up to do.  Unfortunately, I'm not feeling so hot this weekend so I'm going to keep it short with a couple of teasers.

I'll be  posting different stories and images (lots of images) from my trip.  That's assuming I don't get out much and have stories from here to share.  Somehow I'll make it all happen.  But to give you an idea of my vacation, well I got to meet Penelope . . .

. . . who I suspect thinks I'm a boring giant pillow.  How else can you explain the fact that every time I picked her up she wound up falling asleep.  Anyway, Bubbles (Pen's [Penelope's] nickname for now) is as cute as a button.

My three week vacation was two to three weeks too short.  But Ann and I managed to squeeze a one-week vacation in the middle of my three week vacation.  Kit took time off to join us and a good time was had by all.

In case you were wondering, yes that is Orcas Island in the background.  And yes, there are Orcas near Orcas Island.  We decided to visit Olympic National Park and then the San Juan Islands on our vacation.  Other than being too short (we could have stayed a month), it was great!

I hope I've grabbed your attention and am able to start posting consistently as the days pass by.  Bye for now!




Happy Birthday Guys!


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