Route Goat to Voinjama

This is Route Goat to Voinjama:

I guess I should backtrack here a bit.  In the office we have this huge UNMIL map of Liberia.  It’s a big map and from a distance there are these big blue lines that break Liberia up into different areas.  Lofa County is part of Sector B.  Anyway, as you get closer to the map, you realize that there are names written some of the main roads.

Now, I expected to see something like I-95, or the Monrovia-Ganta Highway.  Boy was I wrong.  Each main road had a “Route” name; I realized that these were the route names UNMIL uses when convoys report in while they’re driving around.  

Well the road from Gbarnga to Voinjima is Route Goat.  

From Monrovia to Gbarnga and onward to Nimba County is Route Puma.

Other interesting routes include the ocean coastline by boat - Route Hippo (very appropriate) - and one of my favorites, Monrovia-Greenville, Route Warthog.

And if you were wondering, our trip to Robertsport had us on Route Lion to Route Leopard to Route Jackal.

But as I mentioned in a previous post, there are no signs to tell you what route you’re on or where you’re headed, you just need to know it by experience.

After spending the day on Route Goat, this is where we ended up:

This is a view of the Voinjama market area from a hill overlooking the city.




