You can't always get what you want . . .
But if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need. Rolling Stones.I must have tried to take a dozen shots of the Crossed Swords. We drive by it every so often and I shoot away - and always something messes it up - usually a strangely placed tree. You can see from these Google Earth images that the swords are HUGE, and there is a beautiful view from an adjacent road that should get both sets of swords looking down the boulevard. Well, the other day I tried again and nope, another tree. But then I took another look at the image and . . .
I could try a million times and would not get this shot again. Someday I'll get my shot of the Crossed Swords without the tree, but for now, I'll enjoy this one. Not bad from a moving car.
Tree top anyone?