Once More We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming for a Bimobil Update
Karsten (our normal production manager) has returned from his month-long vacation (apparently to Southern California). Great guy that he is, what’s the first thing he does? He sends us some photos!
The first image is of the residential cabin. As you can see, it didn’t take them long to complete the shell. From here you can see the window frames (without the glass windows), the entrance to the cabin, access to the storage compartment (below) and the big, swing out wall/window that’s by the dining area.
Based upon what Kristian said about when they would start putting the frame together, it took them about 4-5 days to assemble the parts. I guess it helps when you have a computer-aided laser cutter to cut your pieces for you.
What we hadn’t expected was to receive a photograph of the interior. From here you can see that they’re well on their way with the cabinet that will house the refrigerator and the oven (plus a storage area). And that they’ve built the cabinets that are inside the bed area. You can also see into the vehicle cabin and see that they’ve removed the seats while working on the build - apparently they don’t want any accidents to happen. On the ceiling you can see the large pop-up skylight over our bed (that’s how we’ll be able to access the roof) and the vent that is above the kitchen area. On the very bottom you see part of the step-up that will be the dining area. Under the seat closest to the vehicle cabin is where the heater will be, thus the venting you can see in the step-up.
Also totally unexpected, Karsten sent us a layout for the graphics that will be on the vehicle. On the driver’s side, one graphic will be towards the end of the cabin and wrap around the back of the vehicle. On the passenger side you can see mountain flowing from the front to the rear of the vehicle.
My guess is that they tried to minimize cutting through the glass on the windows (good idea), and thus had to scale the mountains smaller than the image we’d sent them. It’s going to look great!
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.